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From their painstaking design to their meticulous construction, Yamaha outboards are manufactured to provide you with years of enjoyment. However, they live in one of the harshest environments imaginable. High load, high-RPM operation, extreme temperatures and humidity, saltwater, sun, even long periods of non-use can all exact a heavy toll. And it’s not just Yamaha outboards. All outboards face these same challenges. Regular maintenance is important in helping your outboard meet the demands of these challenging environments, and only you can make sure it happens.


The electrical system’s job is to carry voltage from one place to another. If the voltage can’t make the journey, or if it’s diminished when it gets there, the receiving device will not function properly, if at all. The goal is to have as much voltage (or electrical energy) arrive at Point B as left Point A. As electricity passes through a device, some parasitic loss is normal. However, corrosion impedes electricity’s ability to travel, which can cause significant voltage loss or intermittent voltage. Either can wreck the good times, but with simple visual inspections and physical actions these scenarios can usually be avoided.


Regardless of where you boat, corrosion attacks both the inside and the outside of your outboard—every day, all the time. Some forms you can see, some you can’t, and it can take only a short time for the damage to begin. Even those boating in freshwater have corrosion-mitigation duties to attend to. Why, even rainwater can have corrosive effects that can be damaging to your outboard. So it’s vital to be diligent in your anti-corrosion defense.


Scheduled maintenance increases the longevity and overall performance of your motor. Once scheduled maintenance is carried out at the required times you can rest assured that whatever adventure you are planning to take, your engine is ready to carry you along

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